There were squeals of delight around the Bruce Peninsula Sportsmen’s Association (BPSA) pond recently when approximately fifty youngsters 12 and under, participated in the BPSA 2023 Kid’s Fishing Day Derby.
The event is a part of a tradition that’s played out each spring to the delight of parents and enthusiastic youngsters’ participants. Like any fishing experience there were lulls in the action. But on several occasions, there were cries of “I’ve got one” and the excitement of the fight was on!
The kids fishing action was at the BPSA club’s headquarters which includes a state-of-the Art Fish Hatchery with pond and clubhouse.
For larger view, Click on Image
The largest rainbow trout was caught by Hayden Maisonneuve a hefty 5.6 pounder which won him one of two beautiful bicycles awarded as prizes.
Hayden is the grandson of BPSA veteran Ray Marklevitz. Ray was asked if catching fish was in the family genes? He replied “Hayden is a good fisherman he often out fishes me…’s mostly luck but he does well, we’re proud of him.”
BPSA member Mike Smith and kids
Second largest fish at 5.2 pounds was caught by Grayson Gunson
Grayson Gunson with Ed Smith
Ray Marklevitz demonstrates cleaning a fish
The club has been stocking fish since the sixties and has added over 100,000 fish annually to Grey-Bruce waters. BPSA volunteers put in more than 1500 hours a year raising and stocking fish to benefit our sports fishery.
Due to space limitations this derby was limited to fewer than sixty participants. Derby co-ordinator Kevin Harders commented on the effort BPSA puts forth to encourage youngsters to get outdoors and get involved with fishing and other similar hobbies. He pointed out that these activities give the kids a better understanding of how mother nature works. Harders paid tribute to and thanked the 20 volunteers who made this event go ahead like clockwork.
For larger view, Click on Image
All participants received a prize. Hot dogs and drinks were supplied by BPSA. Sponsors of the 2023 BPSA KIDS FISHING DERBY Day included:
Check the smiles on the faces of those involved in this derby and you are convinced that it was a success. As one parent observed “this derby could mark the first fish caught by some of those taking part. These kinds of events can create lasting memories for everyone, and that’s something special.”
For more about the BPSA activities, read the June NEWSLETTER