Bruce County commits financial support for Wellness & Recovery Centre


Bruce County Council has approved financial support for the Brightshores Health System Wellness & Recovery Centre project in the amount of $500,000 over a five-year period, from 2024 to 2028.

Brightshores Health System’s Wellness & Recovery Centre, located at 6th A Street East in Owen Sound, is the first of its kind in this region and is unique in Canada.


Based on harm reduction and recovery principles, the Wellness & Recovery Centre will provide a safe environment for individuals in need of support and management of their substance use and mental health concerns. Benefits to the region include reduced healthcare costs, reduced use of hospital emergency services, and destigmatizing mental health and substance use.

Bruce County Warden Chris Peabody says, “Bruce County recognizes the importance of providing programs and services for community members living with mental health concerns and addictions. Partnering with Brightshores Health System is a unique opportunity to support the complex needs of individuals we mutually serve and will address service gaps and pressures in our region. The support for those experiencing addictions and mental health concerns offered through this new Wellness & Recovery Centre will contribute to sustaining communities where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, and has opportunities to participate.”

Brightshores Health System CEO Gary Sims adds, “Our region has seen a significant increase in opioid-related hospitalizations, and our Emergency Department visits have tripled in the past few years. This new Recovery Centre will be the largest of its kind in our region and will be able to treat people from across Grey Bruce. Brightshores is thankful for Bruce County’s support as we serve the community.”

Discover more about Bruce County Human Services.
Discover more about Brightshores Health System.