Campaign and $1 million commitment will support double-down effort in Grey, Bruce and Huron counties
Bruce Power is announcing today, (Nov. 19/20) the launch of ‘Be a Light: Beating COVID-19 Together’. Through this campaign, focused on Grey, Bruce and Huron counties, the company will make a $1 million commitment and work with public health, county and municipal governments, chambers of commerce, hospitals, local MPs and MPPs, and community organizations to redouble efforts to battle the pandemic.
Ontario is at a critical juncture in the pandemic, having made significant progress by implementing extensive testing and controls, ensuring PPE is available and reopening the economy. Despite this and with promising progress on a vaccine, elected and public health officials have called upon everyone to do their part by taking immediate action in the days and weeks ahead to continue being diligent in taking the necessary precautions against the virus.
“As a region, we’ve been successful in battling COVID-19 together and we can see a light at the end of the tunnel; however, now is not the time to let down our guard,” said Dr. Ian Arra, Medical Officer of Health and CEO for the Grey Bruce Health Unit. “We need to double down on the 3 Ws that will get us through this, including washing your hands frequently, watching and maintaining physical distance, and wearing a mask correctly in indoor public places.
“We’re extremely grateful to Bruce Power, which continues to be a leader in our region with helping our residents protect themselves, their families and the community against this dangerous virus, and lending a hand to people and organizations in need.”
James Scongack, Executive Vice-President Corporate Affairs and Operational Services for Bruce Power, encouraged community members to swiftly act on the advice of elected and public health officials.
“By working together as a community, we’ve all done many amazing things throughout Bruce, Grey and Huron counties to keep our communities safe since the start of the pandemic and we now need to double down,” Scongack said. “We are contributing to this in a positive way as everyone can make a difference, and this $1 million campaign recognizes the broader and long-term challenges we face at this critical time.”
Bruce Power’s efforts will focus on the following five areas:
1. Public Awareness, using community newspapers, radio stations, television and social media to reinforce the guidance from public health officials to stop COVID, especially as Bruce-Grey-Huron moves into colder weather and the holiday season;
2. Providing Protection by working with the community to place temperature monitoring and other technology, along with the availability of personal protective equipment in higher risk or traffic areas;
3. Buy Local. In the face of necessary restrictions put in place by public health experts, local businesses continue to face challenges throughout our communities. Bruce Power is making a $50,000 investment to further leverage the Grey-Bruce-Huron Strong platform that was created earlier during the pandemic and amplify the Buy Local effort;
4. Mental and Physical Health. Bruce Power will support community organizations which promote mental and physical health activities and programs through the duration of the Be A Light: Beating COVID-19 Together campaign, and;
5. Lending a Helping Hand. Bruce Power will be working with food banks, long-term care facilities and community organizations to support these organizations and individuals during this period of time and will direct all funds in association with Buy Local.
In the coming days, Bruce Power will be announcing specific contributions and initiatives associated with each of these five areas as time and action is of the essence to respond to the urgent situation Ontario and our communities face.
Unity is more important than ever and Bruce Power is committed to working with our elected officials at the federal, provincial, county and municipal level and public health officials to support their work and our collective commitment towards making a positive difference.
What people are saying about Be a Light: Beating COVID-19 Together
“I want to thank Bruce Power for their generosity and contributions to the community, the most recent being the launch of the Be A Light: Beating COVID-19 Together campaign. So many in our community are struggling economically, physically and mentally; we need to continue to be diligent and work together to stop COVID-19 in its tracks. It is important more than ever to support each other, our communities, and our local small businesses. We can, and we will, get through this together.” Alex Ruff, MP, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound
“Bruce Power continues to show exemplary Ontario Spirit by stepping up in the most generous ways to support our local communities through this COVID-19 crisis. With the holiday season quickly approaching, this new $1 million investment will help organizations across Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound do even more to fight this virus and support those most in need. I know I speak for my constituents when I say that we are proud to have such a strong community partner in our backyard whose team works so hard every day to support their neighbours.” Bill Walker, MPP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound
“Time and again Bruce Power and their incredible team of managers and employees have shown their commitment and dedication to Bruce, Grey, and Huron communities and residents. This is a very timely and thoughtful project.” Lisa Thompson, MPP, Huron-Bruce
“Our communities in Bruce County have been extremely diligent in protecting each other since COVID-19 broke out around the world last winter. Bruce Power has been front and centre in supporting the county through its generous donation of PPE to our health-care and front-line workers, schools, small businesses and other organizations, and providing funding support to food banks and others in need. We need to continue leaning on each other through this public-health crisis, and we know Bruce Power will be right there with us.” Mitch Twolan, Warden, Bruce County
“Our region has shown tremendous resilience throughout COVID-19. By following the advice of Public Health, shopping locally, and helping those in need, you are keeping our communities healthy and safe. Now is not the time to let our guard down. Together we are strong.” – Grey County Warden Paul McQueen.
“At a time when people have become more dependent than ever on optimism, Bruce Power has committed a generous contribution to our communities with the launch of this supportive new campaign. I commend Bruce Power for their leadership. Together we will work to boost spirits and build on resources to ensure that we are all looking after each other as we maintain resiliency in the face of this pandemic.” Jim Ginn, Warden, Huron County
About Bruce Power
Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an electricity company based in Bruce County, Ontario. We are powered by our people. Our 4,200 employees are the foundation of our accomplishments and are proud of the role they play in safely delivering clean, reliable, low-cost nuclear power to families and businesses across the province. Bruce Power has worked hard to build strong roots in Ontario and is committed to protecting the environment and supporting the communities in which we live. Learn more at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.