Crime Stoppers 2023 Fall Colours Tour

The final Crime Stoppers Classic and Collector Car tour of 2023 is the Fall Colours Tour tomorrow, Sunday, September 24th, throughout Kepple Township.

The Tour commences at 1:00 PM sharp and the gathering locations are:

The Port Elgin Plex
Grey Roots Museum
Sauble Beach Community Centre
The Wiarton Keppel International Airport

This is an introductory scramble tour and drivers are encouraged to travel as they wish making stops along the way.

The map, downloadable at the Crime Stoppers and at Saugeen Shores Sunset Cruisers websites, shows points of particular interest.

        For larger view, Click on Image

The lands on the Keppel peninsula are a very storied part of Grey County. From the initial 1857 purchase from the Chippewa (Ojibway) Nation to the sale of the 100 acre parcels of surveyed lands the township has slowly revealed the colourful scenic vistas we see today.

With Colpoy’s Bay to the west, Georgian Bay to the north and Owen Sound harbour to the east this peninsula boasts the most breathtaking and varied scenery in the least amount of space in the province. It is this condensed beauty we encourage you to appreciate.

Afterward Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce welcomes drivers to stop at Wiarton Keppel International Airport. There will be a restaurant, food truck and washroom services available.

For further information, go to the web page at or the Facebook Page of Sauble Beach Sunset Cruisers or Saugeen Shores Sunset Cruisers.