GBHS gradually easing Visitor restrictions

Starting Wednesday, June 8th, GBHS is easing visitor restrictions at all six hospitals, in keeping with the declining cases of COVID-19 and the changes being implemented at hospital corporations in our South West Region.

As of this Wednesday, for the majority of patients, there will be two visitors permitted at the bedside at a time, and in most cases there will be no restrictions on visiting hours. Visitors will no longer be required to show proof of vaccination status. All visitors must however continue to wear a surgical grade mask at all times while in hospital.

To maintain physical distancing in our clinic areas, only one person is permitted to accompany individuals to outpatient appointments.

GBHS recognizes the importance of visitors to the health and well-being of patients, and is pleased to be gradually welcoming more visitors into hospitals.

The chart below applies to visiting all six GBHS Hospitals – Lion’s Head, Markdale, Meaford, Owen Sound, Southampton and Wiarton. Please consult this chart prior to visiting. Updates will be posted at