Please Arrive Exactly on Time – No Walk-ins – Fully Booked Vaccine Hub Clinic in Owen Sound on January 14
The Grey Bruce Health Unit is happy to announce that the HUB clinic at the Harry Lumley Bayshore in Owen Sound on January 14, 2022 is fully booked. We need everyone to please arrive for your appointment at your scheduled time (not prior to, nor after) to avoid wait times and delays. In addition, we will not be able to accommodate ANY walk-ins at this clinic.
Arriving on time, not early or late, ensures optimal flow in the clinic to prevent lines, which reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission and of cold related injuries, especially for vulnerable individuals with mobility challenges.
Many of the Hubs still have a large number of available appointments. The Hubs will end on January 21, so please, BOOK NOW!
To review our schedule and information about the vaccine please visit:
· Vaccine Schedule
· Getting Your COVID-19 Vaccine (
To book an appointment, please visit:
· How to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment (
· Provincial Telephone Booking: 1-833-943-3900