South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) is seeking community advisors to join the hospital organization’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, a partnership of community members and hospital staff committed to ensuring excellent patient care experiences.
The council has been in place since 2017, focusing on advocacy for patient-centered care. This approach to health care focuses on the central role of the patient and family in the health care journey and upholds the importance of the family as partners on the health care team.
“I joined SBGHC’s Patient and Family Advisory Council to contribute to improving overall patient experience, and more specifically, to help make improvements for patients and families to navigate the health care system and know what options are available to them,” says Barb Aikens, Patient and Family Advisor from the Chesley community.
SBGHC is seeking community advisors who have had a recent experience as a patient or family member (within three years) at one of the organizations four hospital sites (Chesley, Durham, Kincardine, Walkerton). More information on the role of the Patient and Family Advisors and the application process can be found on SBGHC’s website.
To learn more, CLICK HERE