Curling FUNspiel raises over $21,000 for Regional Hospital

On Sautrday, February 15th, 16 teams of curlers took to the ice at Blue Water Curling Club  for the Owen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation’s 20th Annual FUNspiel.

Regular play ended in a tie and after a single rock shootout to determine the winner, BDO took home top spot. The team was skipped by Rob Coburn and included Cathy Moore (Vice), Vicky Watson (Second) and Niels Jensen (Lead).

At the conclusion of the bonspiel, Dennis Radbourne, Chair of the organizing committee announced that over $21,000 had been raised for the Foundation.

Presenting sponsor was Grey-Bruce Electric Supply. BrokerLink Insurance, Owen Sound Dental Clinic and Ottewell Enterprises were Ice Sponsors. More than 50 other businesses provided sponsor support and donated items for raffle, auction and team prizes.

Since inception, the Funspiel has raised more than $335,000 in support of community healthcare at the Owen Sound Regional Hospital.