The Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities’ committee acknowledged the contribution school crossing guards in keeping our children safe. No matter what the weather, crossing guards help to ensure students make it safely to and from school. Crossing guards and student walkers were recognized with presentations of baskets of flowers at separate presentations in Wiarton, Lion’s Head and Tobermory.

Tobermory: (L to R) Andrea Munn, Matt Pickett (BPSCC member) Karen Watson – Watson recently retired after many years

Lion’s Head
“The Committee encourages the public to thank these crossing guards personally for their contribution when they see them”, says Karen Kerker, a member of the committee. ”The committee challenges everyone to consider how they can all play a role to make our communities as safe as possible.”
The Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities works with community partners and Parachute Canada, to increase safety for all those who live, work and play on the peninsula.