Beach water sampling has identified higher levels of bacterial contamination at Little River Park in Thornbury. These results are consistent with the high wave action and significant rainfall over the last few days. The levels are in excess of Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care standards.
The Grey Bruce Health Unit advises bathers that high levels of bacteria in recreational water may pose a risk to their health. Bathers are reminded to avoid swimming after heavy rain or in cloudy water.
Swimming in areas that have higher than acceptable bacteria counts can lead to illness especially if accidentally ingestion of water occurs.
Resampling of the beach water will be done next week to determine the safety of using the beach again.
The Grey Bruce Health Unit has been in contact with the Town of The Blue Mountains and the situation will be monitored closely to ensure the safety of residents.
For further information, call Public Health at 519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 or visit our website at