BWDSB Community Planning and Partnerships virtual meeting on April 25

Bluewater District School Board will once again host special guests from our local counties, municipalities, and other community organizations at the annual Community Planning and Partnerships meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

The meeting, to be held virtually on Microsoft Teams starting at 6:00 p.m., will include presentations from all participating organizations with the goal of inspiring future discussions on potential partnership opportunities.  Attendees will have a chance to learn about Bluewater District School Board’s capital plan and schools that are eligible for facility partnerships.

The Ministry of Education’s Community Planning and Partnerships Guideline encourages school boards and community partners to exchange planning information regularly, which may result in mutually beneficial opportunities to share school facilities.  Bluewater District School Board is committed to keeping its community partners updated on new builds or major renovation projects that are occurring, unoccupied space in schools, and school properties that may be considered for future disposition.

Additional information can be found on the board website at the following link:

Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting to observe are invited to do so at this link.