To the Editor:
We are now counting COVID-19 and the pandemic in years. Despite those times when we have been tempted to think the end is in sight, the end of the pandemic is not in sight and many around the region continue to suffer.
“Food insecurity remains a main area of concern,” says Labour Council President, Kevin Smith. Further, Smith proudly points to the Grey Bruce Labour Council’s donations in excess of four-thousand dollars to the COVID relief fund of the Bruce Grey United Way and a donation this past summer to the Saugeen First Nation during the difficult surge in COVID-19 cases.
Lingering long after this past summer, the Saugeen First Nation need remains as acute as ever. Outside of the fantastic care that healthcare professionals bring to people, food security and healthy food options are two of the greatest contributors to health and well-being. Entering the winter months, the Saugeen First Nation gains in food security and healthy food options are at risk from an ailing food bank roof.
“Labour has long partnered with the United Way and the Grey Bruce Labour Council partnership with our local United Way has a record of success not only with COVID relief, but also Winter Warmth and the Backpack Program,” says Labour Council VP for Grey County, Chris Stephen.
“Although not done with each donation, a strength in our local partnership with the Bruce Grey United Way is the call to the Labour Council affiliated unions to match the donations from the Labour Council,” says Labour Council VP for Bruce, Dave Trumble. “This challenge to match the donations has the potential to vastly increase totals to programs and to support the needs of the Bruce and Grey region.”
Not only will Labour lead the recovery out of the pandemic, but as of today, the Grey Bruce Labour Council has chosen to demonstrate a facet of this leadership by approving a five-hundred dollar donation to the ‘Raise the Roof’ campaign by approving a donation to the Saugeen First Nation Fund.
Kevin Smith now calls on every union affiliate and ally to make at least an equivalent donation to the Saugeen First Nation fund of the Bruce Grey United Way.
Kevin Smith, President
Grey Bruce Labour Council