To the Editor:
As we get ready for warmer weather and longer days, our team at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is looking forward to spending more time out in the community, building meaningful relationships and connecting with residents excited about the future.
During my time with the NWMO, it’s been my pleasure to share information, answer questions and have meaningful discussions with residents in and around South Bruce. Through these discussions, I’ve had the chance to learn more about what it is that excites people about the deep geological repository project and how it will contain and isolate used nuclear fuel. People have interesting questions and want to know about the opportunities that may come should the project be sited here.
As we’ve said many times, this project will only move forward with the community working together to implement it. The NWMO plans to select a site in 2024 and there are still two areas remaining in the site selection process: the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation-Ignace area in northwestern Ontario and the Saugeen Ojibway Nation-South Bruce area in southern Ontario.
In collaboration with the Municipality of South Bruce, we’ve seen the results of many in-depth studies, that take a look at some of the opportunities that will come should Canada’s deep geological repository is built be here. This includes: hundreds of high-value jobs, improved infrastructure, opportunities for revitalization and a centre for innovation and world-class science.
I look forward to meeting even more of you at events we’ll be attending over the summer months to continue sharing information. Keep an eye out for us at parks and community events right through the summer, including the WES for Youth Golf Tournament, the Mildmay Homecoming and the Teeswater Fall Fair. We’re also hosting tours for residents to visit the NWMO’s Discovery and Demonstration Centre – reach out if you’d like to join us!
Also, expect to see some of our team walking through South Bruce neighbourhoods to reach out and engage with the community. As with everything we do, we want to make it easy for local residents to share their thoughts, learn about the project and connect directly with us.
We know there are important decisions ahead for residents of the siting area communities. We’ve had lots of conversations in the past about safety and how the project can contribute to community wellbeing. We look forward to spending time this summer continuing to learn from you and to collaborate with the people of this area. We can’t wait to see you around South Bruce this summer – it’s going to be one to remember!
Keep an eye out for more information on upcoming events on our Facebook page or feel free to drop by our Teeswater office at 12 Clinton St. during business hours. And remember to sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on everything happening at the NWMO!
Michael Pahor,
NWMO Engagement Manager