Ask the Pharmacist

Q) My doctor has told me that she would recommend I receive the new vaccine against pneumonia. I believe I was injected with two...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I find I am leaking urine more and more often. It used to occur only when I had a forceful cough but now...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I have a teen struggling with depression. My doctor put her on a medication and set us up with an appointment with a...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I have been getting a lot of pressure from my son to buy him a cell phone. He still feels kind of young...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. A friend of mine told me I should consider taking Collagen supplements for my skin and joints. I am reluctant to do so...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I just saw my doctor about these stinging sores in the area of my genitals and she informed me that it’s herpes. I...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q)  I can’t seem to read the news or watch tv without seeing some mention of Ozempic.  I hear it’s very effective for weight...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q. I was just informed that my child has conjunctivitis. What exactly is that and what can I do if I catch it from...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q)  I am fascinated by the different stages of sleep, in particular REM sleep.  What can you tell me about it? A)  Rapid eye movement...

Ask the Pharmacist

Q) I read somewhere that there is a brand new type of drug that has just been introduced to treat migraines. What can you...