Counties and First Nations partner to host annual tourism brochure swap

What was formally the Grey-Bruce Tourism Brochure Swap has now been translated into  Ojibway, ‘Mazin’igan G’meshkwadoonmaadiwag’, meaning – exchange, trade paper and documents with each other, and will be hosted this year by Grey and Bruce Counties, Saugeen First Nation and and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.

Do you own or operate a tourism business in Bruce or Grey Counties? Are you part of a municipal, community, or tourism organization and help promote tourism in the Grey-Bruce region?

The annual brochure swap is an opportunity to meet with tourism industry partners, network and swap brochures and the event will also feature a Cultural Demonstration and Pow Wow Regalia Fashion Show.

For more information, contact:

Grey County
Kaleena Sanford: / 548-877-0752

Bruce County
Lauren Eby: / 226-909-6117